Mouniratou Lougué, Droit Libre TV, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Mouniratou Lougué, Droit Libre TV, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Mouniratou is currently editor-in-chief of the online show Droit Libre TV. Previously, she held the positions of web reporter at Burkina24 and editor-in-chief of Burkina Info television. She also has over two years’ experience in online press, having worked at, and radio at Radio Campus. Passionate about culture, Mouniratou has belonged to the Burkinabé Federation of Film Clubs (FBCC), the UNESCO Friends of UNESCO Club of Ouagadougou (CAU.UO) and was also President of the Script Club.
Project: Work to make toilets more readily available at hospitals, schools, markets, services, train stations, etc. Creating new toilets, maintaining older toilets and unlocking private ones for public use.
Online articles:
Covid-19 et accès à l’eau : Les réalités en zone non-lotie